Thursday, August 2, 2012

Top 100 Highest Paying Jobs in Singapore in 2012, a blog on salary and income in Singapore, compiles top 100 high paying jobs in Singapore every year. uses the wage data in Report on Wages in Singapore report to generate our Top 100 Jobs ranking table. According to this report:

"The tight labour market continued to lift workers‟ wages, despite the slower economic growth in 2011. Total wages (including employer CPF contributions) in the private sector rose by 6.1% in 2011, higher than the growth of 5.7% in 2010.  Taking into account the rise in consumer price index (CPI), the increase in real terms was 0.9% in 2011, lower than the gain of 2.9% in 2010.  The corresponding figures when adjusted using CPI excluding imputed rentals on owner-occupied accommodation were 1.9% and 2.4%. "

According to the 2011 report, top 20 jobs ranked based on pay are as below.

1 - Managing director/ Chief executive officer – $29,102
2 - Foreign exchange dealer/ Broker – $22,302
3 - Marketing and sales representative (institutional sales of financial products) – $20,834
4 - Trade broker (including oil and bunker trader) – $19,500
5 - Company director – $17,142
6 - Financial/ Investment adviser – $15,500
7 - Chief operating officer/ General manager – $15,005
8 - Commodities derivatives broker – $15,000
9 - Ship broker – $15,000
10 - Creative director (advertising) – $14,750
11 - University lecturer – $14,000
12 - Real estate agent – $13,952
13 - Software and applications manager – $12,280
14 - Advocate/ Solicitor – $12,213
15 - Lawyer (excluding advocate and solicitor) – $10,900
16 - Financial/ Insurance services manager (eg financial institution branch manager) – $10,250
17 - Chemical engineer – $10,105
18 - Network and communications manager – $10,024
19 - IT service manager – $9,999
20 - General practitioner/ physician – $9,963

You can see the full list here Top 100 Jobs In Singapore (2012).

1 comment:

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